LBW2022-VSSE - European Cyberspace 19-24 June 2022 2022 Virtual Summer Solstice Europe Yes, we are back for our third annual video conference. David Crye put this forward on 1st January 2022 as it looked like the Covid-19 wave was still prevalent in England. Since then the wave has gone down significantly but not good timing for planning a full LBW physical proposal. Also travel across EU and UK is having various problems, like many cancelled flights, due to airline/airport/security/border lack of staffing. Hopefully that will have cleared by summer 2023. So lets talk in video and discuss what we can do physically in 2023 !
Time since the LBW ended: 2 years, 8 months
There were 7 registrations, totalling 7 adults and 0 children registered.
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