LBWers Tech Show and Tell
Organised by
Nils Magnus
You may not want to judge a book by its cover, but maybe a LBWer based on his daily work, interests, or profession. This evening session in the hall is the opportunity to brag about some unique skill you have, a surprising job duty, some weird network protocol you regularly maintain, or a piece of hardware the Kids of Today™ have no clue about. Serving some useful purpose is explicitly not a selection criteria. Each session is approximately 20 minutes or as long as you need. Do we need a CfO (call of obscurities) or should we do this based on ad-hoc swarm intelligence? A projector might be available. We will start after the Potd or at 7pm, whichever is later (probably the Potd).
This activity is currently scheduled for:
Aug. 22, 2023, 7 p.m. - Aug. 22, 2023, 10 p.m.
There are 4 people registered for this activity:
Stanislav Meduna, David Crye, Ján Sáreník, Jan Kristek