Walk to source of Labe (Elbe)
Organised by
Vladislav Kurz
The spring of one of the biggest European rivers is not far away. Just 10 km horizontally and 700 m vertically. To make it easier we can get a bus that will take us to Zlate navrsi at 1400 m. Then wall to Labsky vodopad (elbe waterfall) and the source of elbe. Then continue either full downhill to harrachov, or along a mountain ridge to certova hora (1000m) and use the cable car. Or return by bus from zlate navrsi. Source of Elbe + Waterfalls Trasa 15,1 km • 4:26 h https://mapy.cz/s/pesekepela Date will be chosen later
This activity is currently scheduled for:
Aug. 24, 2023, 8:30 a.m. - Aug. 24, 2023, 9:30 a.m.
There are 4 people registered for this activity:
David Crye, Martin Schreibaer, Dan Kolb, Jan Kristek